Donald Trump, It must be so scary to know that your fate will be decided by the voters tonight. You will not have the protection of your stooges in the Justice Department, and will no longer have "immunity" from prosecution by being "President". The last election allowed you to win even though Hillary has over 3 MILLION more votes. Thanks to the electoral college. Many doubt you will be able to pull that off this year. You have done next to nothing for the regular citizens of this country - choosing instead to give trillions in tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations. Covid has been a disaster. You have done nothing for healthcare other than interrupt a system that helps tens of millions under Barack Obama. I wonder how you will look in an orange jumpsuit. They probably will not allow you to wear all of your orange makeup in the slammer. You are being evicted from the White House, with maybe only Russia as a sanctuary. Good riddance.

