Dear president Trump, it was a great win for Republicans with Cavanaugh. Now One Thing Remains the most important thing. The McSally goodlatte bill. Which will provide 37 billion dollars for a real wall. We don't want our laws and Sovereign tree compromised in order to do this. We don't want any deals that allow illegals to stay here any of them. We want our country back. So I hope we see the same energy and enthusiasm from both Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham when it comes to Illegal immigration as they were with Cavanaugh. I hope they're not of the mindset that now they have to throw the Democrats a bone because we scored a big win on them and have to throw them a bone now because of it by letting millions of illegals into our country and Grant them amnesty because that's never going to fly with the American people even if it gets the wall in the four pillars.



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