I really did not understand how bad It was for the country it was at the end of our last election. I have never written anything in my life that I believe in more than this letter. I also know it will do nothing to change my world as you have made for me today. A world of total lack of any faith, trust, or belief in your abilities to handle the job as President of the strongest country in the world. Your out right lies have may you the biggly the chairman of the board of liars. By the way we are no longer a leader in the free world thanks to you. It only took you six months, congrats. You are not even qualified to be DOG CATCHER for our great country. Never in our history have we been without any kind of stable leadership in the White House. You have know idea how to do the job you now have. You know it, you do not like doing it even there little doing. 3,000,000 people were right loser. I ask you to man up but you are not a man in any ship or form. Recuse yourself from the job, go back into your hole and make American Great Again. It is the only thing you could do to fill your promise to do that for our great country. You will never see this and our Great Nation will even over come your time in office, which looks like we may even get thru it in less than four years. You are President so I hope you have a great day as it would be the only great thing you will ever do. A voice for the country, a voice for truth, a voice for ..no a request to God for protection from the a poor leadership you now provide us today.


Mr. President you did win....BUY

Make America Great Again, recuse yourself from a job you do not even like doing. It would be the only thing you could or would ever be able to do that WOULD MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.


No longer of the free world.

Biggly the Chairman of the Board of LAIRS CLUB.

Biggest joke on TV today.

First President who has no idea how to act around around other people of power.

Not the first pig in the White House as I hear at one time anyone could just walk in,
Inauguration picture on this web site, your first lie. Look at it, 3,000,000 short again.

Never in our history have we been without any kind of stable leadership in the White House. You have know idea how to do the job you now have. You are not even qualified to be DOG CATCHER for our great country. You are President so I hope you have a great day as it would be the only great thing you will ever do.

Do not apply for job

Just make sure that you don't apply for one of President Trumps good paying jobs that he brings back to this country. The man shows me more leadership in his little finger than either one of the Clintons had. Look at how Bill Clinton handled Korea. Look at the corruption in Haiti with the Clinton Foundation. How come that the 14 billion donated to the earth quake relief only about 2% of it went to the Haitian people?

Good job

Good point. I wonder why nobody makes mention of the horrible condition we would have been faced with if Hillary were president. I think history will prove what a great president Trump is, but even if he had not been in the running, wouldn't almost anyone be better than Hillary for president of our country? I can't imagine what a disaster that would have been.


What country were you talking about farmers' getting their land back, Russia.

Truth will set you free, as when the truth comes out you will not have to do a job that you do not even like. It is too hard for you as it takes a man of great wisdom, a clear thought process and most of all the ability to tell the truth or even know what it is.

How many people showed up for your inauguration? 3,000,000 short again,LOL

Give me the day you spoke the truth all day, just one. Do not use a day you slept all day,

When you leave please take the smell with you.............

Be proud all Christians who voted for your Racist Pres. Trump

Truth again as Trump has shown his true inter self. This is not a man who can lead or should be leading the country. 4.2 lies a day, listing his white nationals in his group of people around him, Now tell us how great we now are seen throughout the world due to your blessed President. Please tell me what he has done other than hate a past President and try to take down anything he did.

It is time to act call for replacement of this idiot.

Impeach Jerry Brown

California needs a governor that will build dams and not trains and stop barbering fugitives


The truth is now out in the open. Trump's own words tell the truth about the man. Racist and do you remember his attacks of various others of color. No true American or Christian can support this man. His last news conference was his true feelings about KKK, Nazi, and ALT White. He is their leader and proud of it. He is not fit to be a dog catcher, let alone President. Fake news no FAKE PRESIDENT. NO ONE MAN HAS DONE LESS TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. How do you look at yourself and say he is my President. No American can do that and believe in anything we have fought for with lives given for it. Now is the time to rid ourselves of this stain on the country. Impeach this stain. lHe asked today where does this stop? No problem it stops when he is gone from the office he now disgraces.

Remember biggly Trumps favorite word now bigotry

Now the truth be known Trump is a man with no moral fiber, just a liar and bigot. Truth has no place in his heart or being. It is now the time for to take care of the mistake of the last election. Pence is no better a holier than though person, look at his record. Rep. Party has no leadership that is not so far right (alt white right) it no longer the party of ABE LINCOLN. This can no longer be a joke for late night TV or Saturday Night Live. It is no longer funny, with the sickness found in current leadership or lack of leadership.
Congress rid us of the bigotry at the top and replace the mad man at the top.

TT Trump Truth

Let's get real America.
The Trump Truth is that the man has no moral fiber or understanding of anything other than that he truly believes he is the smartest person ever born. If it comes from his mouth it is a fact, it is true and no one should question it. King Trump is not smart. He can hardly put thoughts together, To a few, he is the leader they need as it allows them to blame others for their failure. Do not Blame Trump it is not his fault. Fake news, fake laws that put down White America. All lies but they are TT.
The best one is that there was at least 3,000,000 fakes votes in last election. From the few few days with the largest crowd ever, there never has been Trump Truth, Just Trumped Up Truth

TT Trump Truth

He on TV again, lying about what he said on the what he said ON MANY SIDES ON MANY SIDES. Was left out. Over 1000 false statements made by this man. He is worthless, Trump up Truth. Wake up America, He is not a man to be proud of or to follow. It is unbelievable. Open up to the disgrace that he daily gives us is no longer worth our lost of heart, and pardon a crook. This is not watchable. Sleep well America. God save us all.............

How much more?

How much more do we have to suffer before the "R" Party does something before the R stands for racist not republican. It is so clear who their leader truly is. A Trump that lies about with false figures on crime and growth of country. It is not bad enough that he does but his AG and VP also do the same thing. Tell me who Thinks Pence and his holier than though mind set is less a racist than Trump. Our AG is the poster boy for the KKK. Looks like southern redd neck acts like one and is one.Were is the moral backbone of this R party. There are none showing up so far. Face the truth it is the problem. No leaders just people getting rich running the government. Hope R is proud of who they are now. I am not no longer one of the R Party. Divot Taker

New meaning for TL squared

Every one knows TOO Little TOO Late... It now stands for TRUMP LIES TRUMP LIES. No one has placed into the public record more fake news and fake facts on his wins as President. As this all started for me with Yes you are President of the Great United States...BUT. The biggest BUTT is Trump.
America stand up now and call for the recall of a defective product, and in doing this make America great again.
Divot Taker

King Trump proves again TL2

The new TL2 Trump lies...Trump lies. In the last few days he has lied about or we have found out about old lies,

Past president good old Joe. Under his government Joe was convicted. Pardons by other Presidents he also lied.

Trump's claims of no business with Russia and was trying to build tower.

Trump lied about wanting to be President. He just wanted a tower in the fatherland Russia.

The truth will set the the United States free from Trump and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN...


King Trump's Round Table of racist alert

Note and watch what our little red neck AG under his hood does behind the scenes in Texas. More of his pure hate filled heart will show again. HIS EVIL SMILE gives him away every time he speaks of one of his new plots.

King Trump maybe on his way out, note PENCE USES ONE R( religion) to hide another r(racism). His beliefs need to stay his and not be forced on the rest of the country.

R party leaders are weak minded anti anything our past president did (only way they know how to think) with no workable ideas coming from them. Watch these great metal giants fall all over themselves......empty just like them.

More TL2 well come


President accused of Lying

Hillary Clinton was caught lying many times on a video which removes any doubt. The guy that accuses President Trump of lying and accepts Hillary's lies I would say is an easily led person being led around like a puppet on a string by the democrats. People like that make me wonder if the current system will work. I just hope people that think this way are way in the minority. Nobody is perfect. I think Trumps good points like wanting to bring back jobs, building a wall, extreme vetting, no salary, donating $1,000,000 to the storm victims, donating over $6,000,000 to the vets, far out way any bad point; and I don't think President Trump is a liar.

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