Dear Mr. President. I hope you are having an enjoyable flight to Paris. I loved your honest talk with the Press before you boarded the helicopter for your trip today. You are straightforward and not afraid to tell the truth! We have needed that strength for a long time. I encourage you to keep on turning the screw nationally and internationally, and especially in those of our Congress who have no spine at all! How quickly Europe forgets the Marshall plan which dug them out of the hole that Hitler put them in! Now they want an army to protect themselves from the U.S.! Indeed! You keep laser focused for your agenda for we, the Public. So much of the Fake News has no shame, but it gets out to the Public eventually what is really going on; anything and everything to try to denigrate you and your administration and the great good you are doing for the country.. You have the remarkable energy to fight back; something you should not have to do; you should be thanked and not criticized. You have the support not only of your loyal supporters but new supporters coming into the fold. It is laughable to me that any one of these Dems think they have any chance against you in 2020.



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